Monday, April 16, 2012

As much as I LOVE the concept of blogging, and reading other blogs, I am just not a blogger myself.  It probably has to do with working 7 days a week, between my classroom and the restaurant... which ultimately makes me tired and has put a temporary hold on my creative endeavors.  However... if you still want to be kept posted on life, art, food, etc.  I am a faithful Instagram-er and post my Instagrams on Twitter as well.  MissDub on Twitter and kwillhite23 on Instagram.

Ta ta loves!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bringing It Back

After a several month hiatus I have decided to bring the blog back. It will still be mostly art projects but I'll be featuring more cooking and baking endeavors and maybe even bring my classroom into the spotlight as well!

I have a couple projects in the brainstorming phase featuring inspirational people throughout history, that's all I'm going to say for now, stay tuned for progress updates!

Like most of you, I have developed an unnatural addiction to Pintrest! Its seriously becoming an issue, I have added it to my morning routine of checking the email, etsy shop, Facebook and now Pintrest. The worst or best part, depending on take, is the urge to make every single tasty treat I pin. It's definitely the worst part when taking my waistline into account, I swear I will have gained 100 pounds by this spring! Pintrest and I have a love/hate relationship and it seems like this is about to be a long term affair. Because of this new love affair I am starting a featured recipe of the week addition to my blog, this way I can control my urge for anything including chocolate, peanut butter and/or caramel and keep myself to only making one gift from the heavens a week!

Needless to say, with the updated blog content there will also be a visual update to the blog, revamping to come soon :)

Ta ya loves!